Student activities

The first workshop on voluntary blood donation

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“The promotion of  the culture of voluntary donation of blood”,  was the subject of the workshop  held in  20th  of  march  2016  and  organized by  deanship of student affair in  partnership with the Central Blood Bank.

The Dean of Student Affairs  Dr. Abdel Raouf Sinnaw launched the workshop.  He announced establishing the club of  friends of Central Blood Bank at the university. This  club includes many of the university students from various disciplines in its  membership. Dr Sinnawi explained that   diffusing  the idea and culture of voluntary donation of blood will be the responsibility of  the students  who will transmit the idea to other collogues at the university and to Palestinian community in all provinces and sites.  By considering it as  volunteer work –hours..

Dr. Rasmi Abu Helo, director of the health centers & advisor of the central blood Bank , stressed  the importance of this partnership and the mechanisms of  working  of  friends of  blood bank at the university in order to  foster the idea of voluntary donation for blood to reach 100% according to the recommendation of the world Health Organization (WHO) .

A number of specialists in this field:.Miss, kafa  Rimawi,  director of blood bank ; Miss  Lena Manasrah , acting director of  blood banks in the government hospitals;  Shuaa al Hajj ,  chairman of the committee of donation and Bahaa Bahar, Responsible of the public relation in the  central Blood Bank participated  in the  workshop. 

The participants try to present a clear definition about  blood banks  , their location and the important role they play in the health process

to achieve the desired aim of establishing the club friends of  Blood Banks, which will take the responsibility of diffusion the idea of voluntary donation of blood in the main campus in first place  to reach  all  segments of the Palestinian society  in order to give the volunteering  meaning of giving and continuity.  Then they  presented  a full and detailed explanation concerning the types of blood donation , its benefits , conditions and restrictions.

The club will held several meetings  to develop and design  a mechanism and programs which will  be carried out  in the  near future at the university to announce the launch of the  project.

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