Student activities

Participation of Diyaa Radeideh, a master student in the environmental studies program in the International Conference on Chemical, Agricultural and Biological Sciences

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Diyaa Radeideh, a masters student working with Dr. Jawad Hassan Shqeir, participated in the International Conference on Chemical,  Agricultural  and  Biological  Sciences that was held in Istanbul, Turkey, in the period   Sep 4-5, 2015. She presented the work she is involved in as a scientific paper entitled: Effect of using magnetized treated water in irrigation of bell pepper and beans (yield, soil salinity) in Al Jiftlik, Palestine.

Diyaa succeeded, after being recommended by the dean of the faculty of Science and technology, Dr. Imad Odeh,  in  passing  a rigorous evaluation  process and obtained a grant covering the expenses of the conference amounting to one thousand dollars from ALIM organization which is supporting  graduate students from developing Muslim countries to join international conferences.


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