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Al-Quds University hosts American Noble Laureate Kip Thorne

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Al-Quds University (AQU) received professor Kip Stephen Thorne, the American laureate of the Noble prize in Physics for the year 2017.

AQU President, Prof. Imad Abu Kishek, welcomed Prof. Thorne in the meeting that was attended by a number of the university’s officials, including the Executive Vice President, Dr. Hassan Dweik, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Mu’tasim Hamdan, and Dean of the faculty of Science, Dr. Mohammad Abu AlHaj. Abu Kishek presented an overview of the key achievements AQU has made at the different scientific and research levels as well as the various academic programs it offers.

The university president informed Prof. Thorne on the future plans of the university through which it seeks to translate its aspirations as a scientific beacon that disseminates knowledge and contributes to finding solutions to the challenges facing societies.

Prof. Kip Thorne expressed his enthusiasm for visiting Al-Quds University. Besides, his visit featured a valued lecture on gravitational waves to AQU’s Physics professors and students, during which he highlighted specific topics and praised the physics students for their advanced scientific level.

It is noteworthy that astrophysicist Kip Stephen Thorne has made multiple contributions to gravity and astrophysics, and he is one of the world’s well-known experts on the astrophysical implications of Einstein’s general theory of Relativity.

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