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President of Al-Quds University Abu Kishek receives President of Harvard University Lawrence Bacow

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Jerusalem | The President of Al-Quds University , Prof. Imad Abu Kishek , received on Thursday, March 16, a delegation from the American Harvard University headed by its president, Professor Lawrence S. Bacow, on the university’s main campus, in a historic unique visit by the president of prestigious Harvard to a Palestinian university. AQU vice presidents also joined the meeting.

Prof. Imad Abu Kishek welcomed the Harvard’s delegation, stressing the importance of this unique visit which is the first of its kind to the country’s universities. He highlighted the history of the university’s faculties, programs, and global partnerships in unique academic programs that keep pace with technology, digitization, and market requirements,  which is reflected in the advances the university has made at all levels.

The two parties discussed the need to enhance joint cooperation at the level of academic programs, student and academic exchange, and projects of common interest, in order to develop a partnership scheme that is capable of promoting research and entrepreneurial initiatives among its students and graduates.

Prof. Abu Kishek accompanied the delegation on a tour of the university’s faculties, facilities, and research and professional centers, with the aim of informing them of the achievements at all levels.

This unique visit by the President of prestigious Harvard is the first to Palestinian university, which confirms AQU’s achievement of a prestigious position among national universities and high rankings worldwide.

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