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AQU and Bait Mal Al-Quds Al-Sharif Agency lay foundation stone for Environmental Club project

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Al-Quds University (AQU) celebrated the laying of the foundation stone for the Environmental Club project at the Bait Hanina Campus. Held under the patronage of AQU’s President Professor Imad Abu Kishek, the ceremony was attended by a host of Jerusalemites and representatives of diplomatic missions.

Mr. Ismail Al Ramlawi briefed the audience on the project plans and the importance of implementing it on AQU’s campus.

Prof. Imad Abu Kishek thanked the Acting Director of Bait Mal Al-Quds Al-Sharif Agency, Dr. Mohammad Salem Al-Sharqawi, for the continuous support that has a significant impact on the educational process at Al-Quds University. Abu Kishek indicated that Al-Quds University is working hand in hand with the private sector and the community institutions to provide the necessary support for the development of the students both educationally and academically

Executive Vice President Prof. Imad Al-Khatib thanked Bait Mal Al-Quds for their support to Jerusalem institutions, especially the educational and health sectors. He also extended his gratitude to the university for its support of the project which will contribute, along with the ecological museum, to the infrastructure of the university.

Dr. Muhammad Salem Al-Sharqawi expressed his pleasure for visiting Al-Quds University and signing the cooperation agreement that aims mainly to support and develop education in Palestine in general, and in the city of Jerusalem in particular. He praised Al-Quds University for the role it plays in Jerusalem and valued the implementation of many partnerships within the framework of the partnership between Bait Mal Al-Quds and AQU.

The project to be implemented is part of the various contributions of Bait Mal Al-Quds Al-Sharif Agency that aim at serving the Arab residents of Jerusalem, mainly in the educational and health sector.

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