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Leaders of 13 Canadian universities visit AQU to discuss cooperation

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Jerusalem | The President of Al-Quds University (AQU), Prof. Imad Abu Kishek, met on the main campus of Al-Quds University a delegation of presidents of 13 prestigious Canadian universities to discuss joint cooperation in the research and academic areas.

Prof. Abu Kishek expressed his pleasure to meet the Canadian academic delegation. He provided them with a detailed overview about AQU, its academic and administrative staff, the research centers and institutes, as well as the graduate and undergraduate academic programs.

Abu Kishek highlighted the university’s strategy and plans to develop scientific research and entrepreneurship and the university’s academic partnerships at the international and local levels, asserting the university’s vision of creating a culture of innovation among its academics and students.

The University president and Vice Presidents’ who met the Canadian Delegation expressed their ambitions to strengthen ties with the Canadian universities and research centers in light of its internationalization strategy, pointing out that the university has made significant achievements in several research areas that benefit the university and society in general.

The two parties discussed ways of enhancing joint cooperation in several research and academic fields, referring research topics relating to the medical and other scientific fields. The Canadian Delegation heard the experience of Al-Quds University in scientific research articles that published annually by the university in peer reviewed journals, and the role of the university in providing support to its students to conduct scientific research and engage in mobility programs that are built with universities around the globe.

The presidents of the Canadian universities expressed their admiration of the various programs that the university has built to meet the needs of the labor market. They praised the scientific and research development the university has made in the various fields, expressing their enthusiasm to visit the university and establish cooperation with it in the research and academic areas, and student exchanges and scholarships.

The Canadian delegation consisted of the presidents of 13 universities, including York, Calgary, Carleton, Concordia, Dalhousie, Laval, Manitoba, McGill, Ottawa, Simon Fraser, Waterloo, Western University, and U15 Universities.

It is noteworthy that Al-Quds University has built a wide network of relations at the international and local levels. It has signed many agreements and memorandum of understanding to enhance scientific and academic research.

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