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Statement by Al-Quds University in support of the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest

Views: 119

Al-Quds University notes with deep concern the recent legislation passed by the Hungarian Parliament that imposes a host of restrictions on the operation of international universities based in Hungary.

While this legislation is purportedly designed to specifically target the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, Al-Quds University is not in a position to judge the intentions of the Hungarian government or question its motives. However, Al-Quds University realizes that, as a consequence, this legislation will likely lead to the closure of CEU. This is completely unacceptable.

Al-Quds University would like to presume the Hungarian government’s good faith and in this spirit, it urges the government to abrogate the legislation in question and seek a reasonable settlement with CEU and other universities that might be adversely affected by those restrictions.   

Al-Quds University believes that the sacrosanct mission of academic institutions in disseminating knowledge can only be pursued when academic freedom is fully guaranteed and protected. Al-Quds University believes that this legislation will abridge this freedom and therefore it should be withdrawn.

Having for long suffered similar debilitating restrictions imposed by the Israeli authorities on its operations, Al-Quds University identifies with CEU’s crisis and wishes in this regard to express full solidarity with its leadership, faculty, staff, and students. Al-Quds University looks forward to seeing a just and satisfactory solution to this situation.

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