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Al-Quds University launches the activities of the World Oral and Dental Health Day on its main campus

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Jerusalem | Al-Quds University launched the activities of the World Oral and Dental Health Day, sponsored by Prof. Imad Abu Kishk, President of Al-Quds University, which was organized by the Oral Health Promotion Unit at the College of Dentistry and the Palestinian Dental Students Union, in cooperation with the National Oral and Dental Health Committee as part of the “Palestine Smiles” campaign.

The Dean of the College of Dentistry, Dr. Muhammad Abu Younes said that the college has proven its important role in the field of oral and dental health, and these events constitute a vital framework in the human values system and are considered among the important activities for students, indicating that the college’s goal is to raise the level of services to the community through extracurricular activities and the services it provides in various governorates of Palestine and educate them to maintain oral and dental health.

Dr. Elham Al-Khatib, Dean of Scientific Research and Head of the Community Dentistry Committee at the World Dental Federation, expressed her happiness with this event, which is a pride for the college students, coinciding with the world’s celebration of this occasion as well, stressing that Al-Quds University leads every year these activities in cooperation with the National Oral Health Committee, which includes all partners working in oral health, such as the Dental Association, the Ministries of Health and Education, Palestinian Medical Relief and other local community institutions.

Dr. Al-Khatib explained that these events aim to increase society’s awareness of the importance of oral health for the health and well-being of society and highlight the importance of preventive and curative interventions in a timely manner to reduce the consequences of oral diseases suffered by the global community, where oral and dental diseases are among the most prevalent chronic diseases in the world. This activity stems from the social responsibility that Al-Quds University believes in and promotes among its students Al-Khatib Said.

It is noteworthy that the College of Dentistry at Al-Quds University annually organizes activities to celebrate the International Day for Oral and Dental Health within its campus, during which it presents valuable lectures on oral health, spreads awareness about it, and provides free medical examinations for students and employees and advises them to maintain the health of their teeth in addition to community survey activities.

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