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AQU President meets Pope Francis in a historic visit to the Vatican

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In a historic visit to the Vatican, President of Al-Quds University (AQU) Prof. Imad Abu Kishek, and accompanying delegation met on Wednesday, March 16, Pope Francis. The visit comes amid preparations by AQU to launch a teaching hospital in Jerusalem in partnership with Saints Joseph Hospital.

The meeting was attended, in addition to AQU delegation, by a delegation from Saint Joseph Hospital, headed by its CEO Jamal Koosa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Pierbattista Pizzaballa, and Sister Valentina Sala, SJA Head Midwives Saint Joseph Hospital

Pope Francis praised AQU, represented by its President, for the endeavors to launch a teaching hospital in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem in partnership with Saint Joseph Hospital.

Prof. Imad Abu Kishk described his meeting with Pope Francis as a historic event that reaffirms the big role the Pope’s plays in supporting the health and educational sectors in Jerusalem. He also noted that the collaboration between Al-Quds University and Saint Joseph Hospital to establish the teaching hospital within the efforts to upgrade the various services that are provided to the Palestinian people in general and to the Jerusalemites in particular. Additionally, Prof. Imad Abu Kishek conveyed to the Pope the respect and appreciation of Al-Quds University and all other official civic and civil institutions of Jerusalem, citing examples of AQU’s social responsibility achievements in Jerusalem.

Prof. Abu Kishek indicated that the teaching hospital to be established in partnership with Saint Joseph Hospital will contribute to the advancement of the medical training programs of the AQU’s Faculty of Medicine and health services provided to the Jerusalemites.

During the meeting, Prof. Imad Abu Kishek, on behalf of Al-Quds University’s community, represented by its board of trustees, administrative and academic staff, students, and employees, presented to the Pope a valuable symbolic gift carrying the slogan “Let us work together for justice and peace”.

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