Board Meeting on MechanismsEnsure the Quality of University EducationStaff newsThe administrative and academic staff at Al-Quds University

Al-Quds University Holds its Twenty-Seventh Board Meeting on Mechanisms to Ensure the Quality of University Education

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Prof. Dr. Abu Kishk: “Building a valuable system and research-oriented university are two main factors in assuring quality in education.”

Prof. Dr. Abu Mweis: “Al-Quds University is among the first Palestinian universities that approved the technical, research, and professional integration.”

 Mr. Munib al-Masri: “Al-Quds will become a leading university internationally in terms of the quality of its education and entrepreneurship through the ongoing effort of its unique management.”

The University commenced its twenty-seventh Board meeting (Mechanisms to Ensure the Quality of University Education) in Jericho. The meeting was held under the patronage of the University President, Prof. Imad Abu Kishk. The University holds this meeting and aims to enable the participation of making decisions and discussing its work strategies and public policies. It is held in the presence of the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Munib al-Masri, and the meeting guest, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Mahmoud Abu Mweis, along with the Board members including around 200 of the university academic and administrative staff members.

In his opening statement, Prof. Imad Abu Kishk emphasized the necessity of transforming the University from the traditional archetype to a research-oriented university that keeps pace with global markets. This goal will enable programs to equip the students with the skillset required in the workplace. Accordingly, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Mahmoud Abu Mweis, rejoiced that the University achieves this goal by using modern techniques and adopting the pattern of complementary educational programs. These university programs combine theoretical study with practical training in the labor market.

The university realizes that living in an era of globalization makes quality more than a dream sought by educational institutions or an intellectual luxury. Instead, it became an urgent necessity dictated by the rapid changes in the higher education sector globally and the demands of contemporary life. The University works toward enhancing the quality of education through adopting new learning methods and innovative and leadership initiatives.

The meeting consisted of four sessions (over two days). The first session, titled (Code of Conduct and Quality Assurance), discussed the student’s involvement in establishing a student government. It also touched upon the implementation of the Code of Conduct to create a positive environment. In the second session, titled (Quality Standards in the Educational Process), the meeting speakers explored the application of various quality assurance standards in the university lecture through multiple quantitative tools.

In the third session, Prof. Imad al-Khatib, presented a paper on (al-Quds University in Jerusalem and the Challenges and Opportunities of Providing Quality Services in Education and Community Service). His research paper discussed achieving normative function through a standard comparison and performance measurement scheme to provide the University with the data required for policymaking in pursuit of becoming a high-performing university. Furthermore, he highlighted the activities for building an interim strategy (2022-2025) to respond to the social and economic needs of Jerusalem and the Jerusalemites.

Finally, the last session focused on the role of the staff in the educational process. Dr. Rania Abu Seir talked about the development of medical education in Palestine and the future requirements needed to reach a secure healthcare system. She explained that improving medical education can prevent 80% of the medical errors in developing countries from occurring. Dr. Ibrahim Awad touched on the obstacles of transforming the university into an entrepreneurial one. He also talked about the methods necessary to overcome these obstacles and the requirements to reach that goal.

The meeting ended with an open discussion with the University President. He stated that the education at the University should shift from the traditional model to a research-based one. It will encourage the students to embrace an entrepreneurial spirit. This measure has a significant impact on the students’ development, perseverance, and educational success.

Finally, the meeting produced recommendations based on the papers presented throughout the sessions. The first recommendation called for the formation of a High Committee tasked with supervising the application of the Code of Conduct to guarantee inclusion and positive reinforcement. This measure will ensure students’ proper cultivation of a safe learning environment. Secondly, they advocated the establishment of a non-unionized student body that should promote a sense of belonging to the University. Thirdly, they endorsed forming a commission that will supervise the development of an English language learning quality at the University.

The meeting also came up with the following recommendations: empowering and enabling al-Quds University’s Library’s role in the process of education and scientific research, developing currently accredited masters and doctoral, advancing the international accreditation of health campus programs, supporting and strengthening continuing education programs at different university headquarters, and focusing on increasing the level of performance and output from research, graduates, and other activities.

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