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Farouk Al Shami lays down the Foundation Stone of the New Faculty of Fine Arts At Al-Quds University

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Al – Quds University celebrated  the lay down of the foundation stone for the new  building of  Farouk Shami Faculty  of fine arts .This ceremony was held at the main campus on May 10 , 2016, in  presence of the businessman and  member of the board of trustees Mr. Farouk Al-Shami.,  the University president Imad Abu Kishek , chairman of the board of trustees Mr. Ahmed Qurei ,  vice presidents, deans and  faculties  and a large number of  honorary guests .  

This ceremony began  with  an introductory statement  presented by Mr. .Ahmed Qurei,  chairman of the board of trustees, who praised  the university of this achievement saying  “ Establishing  this unique and distinguished college,  which have been possible through the generous donation of  the businessman  and the member of the board of trustees Mr. Farouk AL- Shami  comes as a part of  the  plan  which  the university is working  on to restructure its academic programs , and to reformulate its  education output,  in order to ensure a distinction in research and  education. Our crucial objective is to ensure that our students are provided with the relevant skills and education  that Palestinian market needs.  It is important to create a partnership between the universities and  the private sector”.

This generous donation  that the businessman Farouk Al-Shami mad is a good example that  must be followed by other Palestinians and Arab businessmen to support and reinforce the Palestinian institutions. “Ahmed  Qurei added .

He also pointed  that  “the administration of the  university and the board of trustees  work together  to develop and enhance the  performance of  Al-Quds university , in order to be in the same ranking with other  distinguished universities  at the regional and international level  in  both the  academic and  research fields by keeping up with the accelerating scientific development.“  

President  Professor  Imad Abu kishk , expressed  his appreciation  to  Mr.Farouk Al-Shami. For his support to  Al-Quds university. This university which is distinguished by  its remarkable role in diffusing  the culture of innovation and production, it is a leading institution for promoting and developing  the cultural, economic, and  scientific  Palestinian Society.  

 ‘It is  a great honor, that Mr.Al-shami chose our university to be the location of establishing the college of Fine Arts in the main campus of abu Dies , and to  supervise  its implementation . This college is expected to be designed  in a similar  model  to that    adopted by Mr. Al-Shamie  in the colleges that he established in the United State and South Korea.  It is our pleasure that Mr Al- Shami will be responsible for all the stages of building and equipping the faculty  until it is realized. He  will also  continue working with this faculty  to empower it with all  means necessary to insure its progresses, so that it plays its role and its educational mission ” Professor Abu-kishek stated .

Businessman Mr. Farouk AL-Shami pointed that his desire to support and establish this college originates from his conviction and his duty towards his homeland Palestine. To contribute in the developing of the Palestinian economy by improving the educational standards  of the  Palestinian youth ,  developing their capacities and skills, and transferring  his experience which he acquired in the United states and other countries  to the Palestinian youth. Mr. Al-Shami mentioned that the Farouk Systems Company relies on the  excellence in academic & vocational education and training.

Vice president of research , innovation and development Dr. Badie Sartwi stated  that the college of Farouk Al-Shami of Fine Arts will offer  a  Bachelor degree in body, hair and skin  care. Most of its courses will be interdisciplinary offered in the faculty of Science, pharmacy, medicine, health professions, and marketing besides other courses.

Dr. Sartawi added  that the university will  provide   a number of postgraduate  scholarships in order to prepare the trained  faculty  . He pointed  out that the academic affairs  will prepare  the documents  concerning the college accreditation , and its new programs before the end of  year 2016, in order to start enrolling   new students in the next academic year 2016-2017 

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