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Delegation from the Union of Public Health Colleges in Europe visits Al-Quds University

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The College of Public Health at Al-Quds University hosted a delegation from the Union of European Public Health colleges, in the presence of Al-Quds university president Dr. Imad Abu Kishik and the Dean of the Faculty of Public Health Dr. Motasim Hamdan, to learn about the college and its programs and discuss theways of cooperation in the academic and research field.

Dr. Imad Abu Kishik welcomed the visiting delegation, and emphasized the importance of this visit, especially that the Union contributed in supporting the establishment of the Faculty of Public Health at Al-Quds University in the meeting that was held in Bielefeld University in Germany in 1996 and was followed by the launch of the College in 1998 in Jerusalem.
The delegation expressed their happiness to visit the University, and get acquainted with the Public Health College and the programs offered, stressing that the next visit will be to the Branch of Public Health College in Gaza.
It’s worth mentioning that the College of Public Health at Al-Quds University joined the EU membership in 2013, where the College membership acceptance was exceptionally as an institution outside the European continent.

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