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Al-Quds University – Forschungszentrum Jülich Workshop

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​Al-Quds University hold a workshop with academics and researchers from Forschungszentrum Jülich, as well as those from Birzeit University, Palestine Technical University, Khaddouri University, Palestinian Polytechnic University Hebron and Bethlehem University, today at the main campus in Jerusalem.

Dr. Hanna Abdel Nour, the Vice President for Academic Affairs at Al-Quds University expressed his gratitude and said “we are very proud of the partnership with Jülich and even prouder to be teaming this with five other Palestinian Universities”.

Dr Nibal Khalil, Dean of Scientific Research at Al-Quds University, started the day by welcoming the visitors to the University, and said that this cooperation began 3 years ago and is showing the deep relations with Jülich which develops the capabilities of the scientific research at AQU.

Ms Julie Klein, from the Federal Ministry for Education and Research in Germany, went on to speak of her excitement for the upcoming week and said, “I hope that our co-operation will grow through research and education. Thank you for your hospitality”.

Dr. Ghaleb Natour, director of Central Institute for Engineering, electronics and Analytics Engineering and Technology, expressed his delight of this cooperation because it’s connecting students and academics from Palestinian universities with research institutions in Germany, who can contribute to build the research infrastructure that is needed in Palestine.

It’s worth mentioning that “the German-founded Jülich Research Centre is one of the largest interdisciplinary research centres in Europe. It was founded in 1956 and employs almost 5,000 staff. Jülich works in the frameworks of physics, chemistry, biology, medicine and engineering. Their aim is to conduct research to provide comprehensive solutions to the grand challenges facing society in the fields of energy and environment, information and brain research.

Jülich are a global powerhouse in their field, with more than 800 scientists from 50 countries visiting them every year. Al-Quds University has been doing research in conjunction with Jülich for several years now. The first co-operation workshop took place in Germany in 2012 and this second workshop marks the strong relationship between the two institutes.

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