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“Palestinian Media and its relationship to gender” Workshop

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In the framework of Al-Quds University cooperation with the local media outlets, and from our belief in the importance of the media role in raising awareness and covering the various society issues, the university held on Sunday, December 21, a workshop entitled: A Study in the Palestinian Media and its Relationship to Gender.

The workshop was held in collaboration with Radio Nisa’ in Ramallah, the Centre of Arab World for Research "Award" and the Foundation Deutsche Welle, with the presence of a number of specialists and interested students from the university.

Mohammed Shuaibi from Award Center, which conducted the study, said that the workshop aims to see the results of the study and discuss these results with all segments of the Palestinian community in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The study includes the media interaction with women’s issues, working conditions, salaries and violence based on gender.

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