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Zamalah Fellowship builds the capacity of University Professors

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Jerusalem – Zamalah Fellowship offers valuable opportunities to Al-Quds University (AQU) academic staff members.  Zamalah supports them to accomplish a scientific visit and stay in academic and other professional institutions. Thus they acquire up-to-date practical skills and knowledge as well as enhanced teaching methods.

Assistant professor of Clinical Pharmacy at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Dr. Maher Khdour carried out a panel discussion in AQU, on 25 November 2014, to discuss his study about improving antibiotic prescriptions in Palestinian hospitals by developing a new antimicrobial stewardship program. Dr. Khdour spoke about the importance of antibiotic prescriptions in Palestinian hospitals, “antibiotic is considered the second important drug that is used in the hospitals” he said, and then he explained the misuse of antibiotics in a variety of ways in the hospitals, which leads to 2.3% deaths among those treated. According to Dr. Khdour “doctors should implement a stewardship program” to stop some of the unnecessary and inappropriate use of the antibiotics and use them only when necessary to treat a certain disease.  Dr. Khdour is working on the application of the tool he developed during his stay in Antrim hospital in the UK in Palestinian hospitals.

Dr. Khdour received his PhD degree in Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice in September 2008 from Queen’s University – UK, his MS degree in Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice in 2003 from the University of London – UK, and his bachelor degree in Pharmacy from Al-Isra’ University – Jordan in 1997.

In a related context, the assistant professor of dental public health and the head of the oral health research and promotion unit at the Faculty of Dentistry, Dr. Elham Khateeb carried out a panel discussion on 25 November 2014 to discuss her main findings concerning access to care, specifically oral health care, among vulnerable populations.  She used an innovative way to survey subjects in health services using a tool borrowed from marketing.

Dr. Khateeb spoke about her first research project during her fellowship which was about the importance of the psychosocial patient characteristics when judging the suitability of these patients for dental implants treatment and factors related to dentists.  Dr. Khateeb mentioned one of the important analysis that was made during her research which was the conjoint analysis that can evaluate more than one factor at a time that is considered relative to each other and it allows respondents to make trade-offs between the factors, minimize social desirability and it gives the control over the stimuli.  Dr. Khateeb undertook her research at the University of Iowa – USA.  She will be using the same research tool in Palestine.

Kateeb is a dentist who graduated from the University of Jordan and completed her master degree of public health from the University of Massachusetts and earned her PhD degree from the University of Iowa.

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