Student Scholarships

John Aves Educational Project – Scholarship

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Guidance Notes and Application form for Scholarship ApplicantsThese Guidance Notes provides information on the John Aves Educational Project (JAEP) and its scholarship criteria, and helps guide you through completing the application form.JAEP is part of the YMCA.  The Project‘s aim is to empower disadvantaged young people in the Palestinian Territories, particularly Dheisheh camp in Bethlehem, to fulfill their potential through educational achievement in order for them to better serve their community.  JAEP offers at least two new scholarships every year to Palestinian students from Dheisheh camp, with impressive academic and community achievements, whose financial situation hinders them from pursuing undergraduate study within Palestinian Universities.Scholarship Criteria for the Academic year 2015/2016:

JAEP funds are limited.  It could cover up to $US 1,500 per student per year.  JAEP has therefore set the following criteria and priorities which all applicants must meet. For the academic year 2015/2016, the JAEP criteria are as follows:

  • Candidates must be Palestinian Nationals from disadvantaged backgrounds;
  • Candidates must be in genuine need for partial or full funding;
  • If the university course costs more than $US 1,500, candidates must acquire and prove other sources of funding;
  • Applicants must apply for study within the Palestinian Territories;
  • Scholarships are only offered for undergraduate courses lasting 3-5 years;
  • Applicants must provide details of courses applied for within the Palestinian Territories;
  • Applicants must have finished High School within the last 3 years or are already enrolled at university;
  • Candidates must have high academic achievement (a minimum average of 85% or above) in the final High School examinations – Tawjihi;
  • Applications from candidates whose siblings or close relatives are currently being supported by the JAEP cannot be considered.

In addition to these criteria, the applicant should demonstrate dedication to community service within the Palestinian Territories. JAEP requires each successful applicant to undertake at least two weeks of community service with educational and social projects during each summer holiday, to promote an ethos of community service within their universities and to be active members of JAEP alumni group upon graduation. Bi-annual reports listing academic grades and other performance measures must be submitted to JAEP representatives according to a mutually agreed timeline set in the JAEP scholarship award agreement. Failure to meet these requirements or to perform academically could result in the termination of the scholarship.

Scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit. Each application is carefully considered by the JAEP Committee Members. The Committee bases its decisions on academic records, financial need, potential for success, degree of usefulness of study subject to Palestine and/or the community, personal motivations and aspirations, future career intentions and involvement in and dedication to community service.

As there is a high level of competition for scholarships, the Committee unfortunately has to reject several worthy candidates each year. However if the applicant meets JAEP criteria, it is acceptable to apply for a scholarship more than once and some candidates may be successful on their second attempt. Please note that even if you have previously applied for a JAEP scholarship you need to submit a newly filled application with all the required attachments.

Applicants are expected to enclose their academic certificates and to provide two references from academic and community members with their application form.  Please also provide the contact details of your two referees. One should be an academic referee and one should be a personal referee – not a family member or friend your age but a community member or an employer who has known you for at least three years.  Reference letters can be provided in either English or Arabic.  The referees will be contacted by the JAEP should your application proceed to the interview stage.

The Committee does not base its decisions on the level of funding requested but on the criteria and attributes outlined above.

Applications and requested documents should be sent to:
Dr.Ziad Abu Hilal or Ms Dana Dajani
Student Financial Aid Unit
Al-Quds University

Copies of the applications and reference letters (but not other enclosures) should be emailed to:
Ms Anne Aves


  • The deadline for submitting complete applications is 25 June 2015.
  • Shortlisting and interviews with shortlisted scholarship candidates will take
    place in August (via Skype).
  • Final results will be announced towards the end of August
  • Scholarships will be awarded by the beginning of the academic year (Fall Term).

Note: If the Tawjihi results are not announced by the time of the deadline, the applicant may send these as soon as they are available.  The same condition applies to offer letters from the university.  Awarding a scholarship will be conditional on the receipt of these documents.

Next steps:
We will email to confirm receipt of your application.  Only short listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.

Application Form: download.

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