Suhair Al-Sabah

About (Short Biography) Dr. Suhair Sabbah graduated from the University of ALnajah University in 1988 in Psychology, holds a Master degree in Specail Education in 1993 from The Jordan University Amman, and gained her PhD in Education& Psychology from Alkhartoum University, Sudan. She joined the Art Faculty at Al-Quds University in 1998 as assistant Professor. She chaired the Primary education and kindergartens Department for 1999-2002. She supervised different Master thesis as well as postgraduate and undergraduate projects. She acted as an external and internal examiner to number of Master thesis at different Universities.

She serves as reviewer for different journal and conferences. He also serves as a committee member for different conferences. Her main research interest is in Psychology with special needs, eLearning, Identity. Stress Psychology, Gender Issues, Creation, intelligence. She published several research articles in different Journals, conferences and workshops. She is currently the chaired the Psychology Department & Program coordinator for the educational and psychological counseling at the College of Graduate Studies.


  •  PhD. Education& Psychology
  •  Research interests : in Psychology with special needs, eLearning, Identity. Stress Psychology, Gender Issues, Creation, intelligence.

Teaching Activities
Developmental Psychology
Psychology adolescence
Principles of counseling
Social psychology
Personal theories
Experimental Psychology
Learning disabilities
Behavioral disorders
Field Training

Publications :

  1.  Yaacoub S. Suheir. (2015).Psychological Stress among Parents of Children with Special
    Needs, in Palestine. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Thought, C D-ROM. ISSN: 2156-6992 :: 08(01):303–312 (2015).
  2.  Sabbah, Suheir.(2014). Identity Crisis of Teenagers with Hearing Impairment in Palestine. Asian Social Science; Vol. 10, No. 17, p229-239. ISSN 1911-2017 E-ISSN 1911-2025
    Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education ISSN 1726-6807
  3.  الصباح، سهير.، حموز، عايد.، (2013). “مشكلات تأهيل الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة الحركية في المراكز التأهيلية الفلسطينية”، مجلة الجامعة الإسلامية للدراسات التربوية والنفسية، المجلد الحادي والعشرون، العدد الأول، ص 293 –ص 326 ، يناير.
  4.  احمد، محمد .، الصباح، سهير.، (2012). ” الحيل الدفاعية النفسية لدى طلبة الجامعات الفلسطينية وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات”. مجلة دراسات نفسية وتربوية لجودة الحياة : م1،ع1،ص91-120. تصدرها مؤسسة تجويد حياة المصريين(PESQL).
  5.  الصباح، سهير.، (2012). “صعوبات التعلم في القراءة والكتابة لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الأساسية الدنيا في غرف المصادر “التعليمية في فلسطين”. المجلة العربية للعلوم النفسية : ع:34-35 . ربيع & صيف، ص 132-147.

Al-Quds University