
Nuha El Sharif

Given Courses:

Introduction to Public Health, epidemiology, biostatistics, Environmental and occupational Health, Research methodology, Environmental epidemiology, Public Health issues in Palestine, Health assessment.

Office Hours: Saturday 9-10, Sunday 11-14, Wednesday 14-15,


Dr. El Sharif had her doctoral degree in Medical Sciences-Epidemiology in year 2003 from the KULeuven in Belgium; Masters of Public Health (MPH) in 1995 from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and a bachelor degree in science “biology-medical technology” in 1986 from Jordan University.

Work Experience

Dr. El Sharif Joined Al Quds University in the year 1998. She became an Associate Professor of Public Health in 2009. She is the coordinator for the Master of Public Health program and master of Infectious diseases of prevention and control. El Sharif participated in the development of several education programs. She headed the committees of developing the bachelor of Public Health nutrition, Master of public health program development, and the Infectious diseases of prevention and control.

Research interest

Dr. El Sharif is an experienced research and has a wide base of research in Public and Medical research. She supervised several PhD and at least 30 master theses in Public Health. The main areas of research are non-communicable diseases and children’s health. She has a wide experience in research related to diabetes epidemiology and management, gestational diabetes, iron deficiency among women and children, cancer epidemiology, asthma and allergies epidemiology and medication misuse, lead exposure in children and COVID 19 healthcare workers health exposures. Also, she has research experience on infants feeding practices and the timed targeted counseling for promoting newborn and child health. She did a lot of reviewing research paper manuscripts submitted for international journals such as the EMJH, Asthma Journal, Pediatric allergy Journal, Occupational and Environmental Health Journal, Pediatric Pulmonology Journal, Allergy Journal, diabetes care, Environmental Perspective Journal, Vaccine, Primary Care Diabetes and others.

She has about 30 publications since year 2000. Several manuscripts are now submitted and several others are in the process of preparation. Here are the last 5 years publications

  •  Nuha El Sharif & Asma Imam. Current Status of Diabetes in Palestine: Epidemiology, Management, and Healthcare System. Handbook of Health Care in the Arab World, 2019, Springer publications.
  • Weinmayr, G., Jaensch, A., Ruelius, AK. et al. and the ISAAC Phase Two Study Group. Can environment or allergy explain international variation in prevalence of wheeze in childhood?, Eur J Epidemiol (2019) 34: 509.
  • E Sharif N. Reliability of Information Abstracted from Diabetic Patients’ Medical Records in Palestine. Health Science Journal Vol.11 No.5:526, 2017
  • Rabadi H., El Sharif N. Effectiveness of timed and targeted counselling about feeding and caring practices for infants and young children to mothers in West Bank: a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet , 2017
  • N. El Sharif, I. Samara, I. Titi and A. Awartani .Compliance with and knowledge about diabetes guidelines among physicians and nurses in Palestine . EMHJ • Vol. 21 No. 11 • 2016
  • Weinmayr G, Forastiere F, Büchele G, Jaensch A, Strachan DP, Nagel G; ISAAC Phase Two Study Group. Overweight/obesity and respiratory and allergic disease in children: international study of asthma and allergies in childhood (ISAAC) phase two. PLoS One. 2014 Dec 4;9(12):e113996
  • Titi I, El Sharif N. Prenatal and postnatal care of gestational diabetes and gestational hypertension in clinics for high-risk pregnancies in the West Bank, occupied Palestinian territory: a follow up comparative study. The Lancet Volume 328. Page S35, 5 December 2013

Al-Quds University