Assistant Professor of Microbiology
Since the 1st of September 2008, I have been appointed as Assistant Professor of Microbiology at the Faculty of Medicine, Al-Quds University, Jerusalem, Palestine. Educated at Al-Quds Medical School (MD) in 2001 and got PhD from University of Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris VI) in 2008
Research interests :
- Evaluation of early and late bactericidal activity of new antitubrculosis drugs.
- Evaluation of sterilizing activity of new antitubrculosis drugs.
- Evaluation of sterilizing activity of multidrug resistant regimen recommended by World Health Organization.
- Evaluation of bactericidal and sterilizing Activities of new drug combinations against Mycobacterium ulcerans in Mice.
Publications :
- Ibrahim. M, K. Andries, N. Lounis, A. Chauffour, C. Truffot-Pernot, V. Jarlier, and N. Veziris. 2007. Synergistic activity of R207910 combined with pyrazinamide against murine tuberculosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 51:1011-5.
- Nicolas Veziris, Murad Ibrahim, Nacer Lounis, Aurelie Chauffour, Chantal Truffot-Pernot, Koen Andries, and Vincent Jarlier . A Once-weekly R207910-containing Regimen Exceeds Activity of the Standard Daily Regimen in Murine Tuberculosis. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2009 Jan 1;179(1):75-9.
- mURAD ibrahim, CHANTAL Truffot-Pernot, KOEN ANDRIES, VINCENT Jarlier and nicolas veziris. Sterilizing activity of R207910 containing regimens in the murine model of tuberculosis. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2009 Sep 15;180(6):553-7. Epub 2009 Jul 9.
- Baohong Ji, Aurelie Chauffour, Jerome Robert, Murad Ibrahim, Vincent Jarlier, Impact of Dosin Frequency of the combination Rifampin-Streptomycin on its Bactericidal and Sterilizing Activities against Mycobacterium ulcerans in Mice. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2009 Jul;53(7):2955-9. Epub 2009 Apr 13.
- Nicolas Veziris Murad Ibrahim, Nacer Lounis, Chantal Truffot-Pernot, Koen Andries and Vincent Jarlier. R207910 is very active when administered once-a-week in murine tuberculosis. (Abstract) 45th Interscience Conference Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy ICAAC 2005 American Society of
- Murad Ibrahim, Chantal Truffot-Pernot, Koen Andries, Vincent Jarlier and Nicolas Veziris. Early and late bactericidal activity of R207910 (TMC207) in murine tuberculosis. (Abstract) 48th Interscience Conference Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy ICAAC 2008 American Society of Microbiology (ASM), Washington, DC USA.