– 2004: PhD in Curriculum and Instruction – Jordan University
– Thesis : Effect of Historical Approach on 9th students achievement and their understanding of nature of science.
o Supervisor: Professor Omar Alsheikh
– 2001: M.A: Methods of Science Teaching.- Alquds University
– Effect of using constructivism on laboratory teaching on students achievement and critical thinking
– 1998: BA : biology – minor Education
– 1985: Diploma of Medical laboratory.
– Teaching and Professional Experiences
– Dean of college of educational sciences 7.2011to present
– Present Position: Director of Master education Program : Methods of Teaching.
– 2008-2009: : Director of Master Education Programs in college of Education, and member of graduate studies counsel.
– 2008- 2011 Director of e-learning unit/ center of teaching &learning / ALQUDS UNIVERSITY.
- Training of Faculty members in designing of e – courses/ ALQUDS UNIVERSITY
- Educational specialist of e-learning courses/ FORD PROJECT
- Major Supervisor of more than 50 master thesis in methods of education.
- External and internal examiner of more than 100 master thesis.
- Trainer of trainees in e-learning: design, delivery and evaluation.
- Evaluator of e- curriculum (5th &9th grade ).
- Member of External Evaluators committee of Palestinian education colleges (1-10/ 2010)AQA -MOE&HE
- Evaluation of B.A educational Programs, MOE&HE.
- External Evaluator of Educational programs in Palestinian universities
- Curriculum evaluator of (Civic education curriculum and Technology curriculum )
- Consultant for curriculum evaluation, MOE&HE.
- Member of Quality assurance committee of graduates programs/ ALQUDS UNIVERSITY.
- Training for Learning innovation team-LIT). Training of Trainers Program on E-Enabled Curriculum Design, Development, Delivery and Evaluation 350 hours 2007-2008
- Training in using ICT in education from 22 Sep 2011 to 15 Des 2011/ Oslo University, Norway
- Training in e-learning Tempus project – Bari university 20-30Oct 2013
- Workshop in Including PCK in modules for In serves teachers Qualification. Canterbury University UK, sep,2014
- Training university teachers in designing e- courses 16Jun- 16Aug 2008
- Project writing training 25 Aug 2008
- training University graduates in scientific research skills, Kudorat project 2009.
- Training in Ilos writing ACAC MOE&HE 2009.
- Evaluation of school e – initiatives 2011-1014 / Belgium Project MoE&HE.
- Educational Expert and trainer for designing e-courses QIF projects & FORD Project 2010.
- Project Manager for In serves teachers qualification 2011-2014/ MOE&HO and World Bank.
- Member of scientific committee for psychological Health conference, Al-Quds University May 2013
- Member of scientific committee for Special education conference Al-Ahliya University OCT 2013.
- Member of Preparatory committee for psychological and educational consoling Conference , Al-Quds Open University April 2014.
- Member of steering committee For Palestinian school initiatives, MOE&HE2013-2014.
- Workshop on effective Higher Education, Graduate Studies, AL_QUDS University , 2008)
- Workshop and member of the teacher training strategy in Palestine : the reality and challenges, ( 17-20 \ 1 \ 2008
- Conference in “Education in Jerusalem the reality and the challenges” ( Ramallah , 2006)
- Conference in “The Quality of Education in Palestine the Reality, the Aspirations and Renovations” 16-17 \ 12 \ 2007 research titled ( Obstacles to implementation of the new science Curriculum from teachers point of view in Ramallah and Al -Bireh district) Riemann Daraj and Mohsen Adas
- A workshop on science education programs: preparation of pre-service science teachers 12-19 / 3/2011 ” development of higher education program “
- Adas, M and Awad, M. (2009).level of understanding of 9th grade students of nature of science, Hebron University Journal of Research , Volume IV (1).
- Teacher Preparation and Qualification workshop, paper presented :
- Towards an Effective Partnership in the Preparation and Training of teachers, 2007.
- Teaching technology conference , MOE&HE. 2006
- Adas, M , et al (2010). Evaluation Of Civic Education Palestinian Curriculum. MOE&HE.
- Adas, M , et al (2010). Evaluation of Technology 5-12 Palestinian Curriculum. MOE&HE.
- Adas, M , et al (2010). Life Skills Among Basic schools Palestinian Students. MOE&HO.
- Adas, M , et al (2010). Life Skills in Basic schools Palestinian Curriculum. MOE&HO.
- Adas.M(2012) Philosophy of Education in Palestine, Seminar. Ramallah Center for Human Right Studies.
- Qubaja,Z and Adas, M. (2013)The effectiveness of using the Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) strategy on the acquisition of the desired physics concepts for 9th grade students, Jamaa, 18(1)
Teaching the following courses
Graduate studies level
- Methods of Research in Education
- Research design and its statistical methods
- Curriculum design.
- Curriculum analysis and evaluation.
- Special topics
- Methods of teaching
Bachelors level:
- Methods of scientific research
- Learning and research skills
skills :
- computer skills: words, excel, spss.
- proposals writing.
- curriculum designing and evaluation