Faculty of Medicine
Educate and produce competent and socially responsible physicians who are capable of providing the best care possible with dedication to lifelong learning, and an understanding of the vital role of research in health care.

Dr. Hani Abdeen
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
Al-Quds Faculty of Medicine opened its doors to our inaugural cohort of medical students in 1994 following a presidential decree by the late President Yasser Arafat to establish the first Palestinian Medical School at Al-Quds University in Jerusalem-the future capital of Palestine state.
Al-Quds Faculty of Medicine opened its doors to our inaugural cohort of medical students in 1994 following a presidential decree by the late President Yasser Arafat to establish the first Palestinian Medical School at Al-Quds University in Jerusalem-the future capital of Palestine state. On that historic day, we welcomed 34 outstanding young men and women. Since then, our cohort size has grown and soon we will welcome each year 250 or more aspiring young doctors, who will be working with and learning from some of the best talents in medicine and healthcare. Our medical education is rooted in the specific needs of the Palestinian Community and is also, well aligned with national strategies and priorities in healthcare education.
The Faculty is driven by passionate dedicated staff members and attracts promising resilient students and we are committed to building within Al-Quds University an outstanding medical faculty, set to equip our students with the right competencies and produce qualified physicians empowered with the knowledge, skills and personalities that will enable them to transform the future of healthcare in Palestine and the surrounding region.
We aim to produce graduates who will excel in their career path, whether they choose to become a surgeon, a general practitioner, a physician, a clinician scientist, or they take one of the many other diverse routes that will be open to them.
Creating a community of future doctors who are patient-focused, skilled in caring for people with respect and compassion is at the very heart of our educational philosophy.
Whether you are a prospective student, parent, faculty member, or simply a curious visitor, I welcome you and invite you to explore our website and learn more about us.
Dr. Hani Abdeen
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine
The Faculty of Medicine is the first medical faculty in Palestine, it was established in 1994. the Faculty total staff members exceed 190 including academic and administrative staff.
The Faculty of Medicine is one of the faculties in the Health complex at Al-Quds university., which comprises the other health related schools-Dentistry, Pharmacy, Public health, Nursing and Allied Health Professions
Although the Faculty of Medicine does not own a teaching hospital, it is affiliated with the main hospitals in the locality for the purpose of clinical training of its students. Together they make up a 700 bed secondary/tertiary care facilities.
The Faculty has recognized that biomedical and clinical knowledge, based largely on natural sciences, is of central importance in medical practice. In addition, medical students should consider health as a multi-factorial entity with cultural, psychological and social dimensions. Accordingly, the Faculty has reformed its teaching and learning philosophy and restructured the curriculum to guide changes in undergraduate medical education.
The purpose of the new education philosophy, is to educate experts of medicine, who are knowledgeable and responsible physicians for clinical work as well as for biomedical and clinical research and administration. It is suggested that the future physician has integrated competence and holistic view of patient treatment, in which scientific thinking, knowledge of behavioural science and ethics are integrated with clinical knowledge.
Our Faculty of Medicine carefully selects applicants who demonstrate the intellectual ability, personal attributes, and motivation to be successful in medical faculty, in postgraduate training, and throughout their professional careers. Our students enjoy an atmosphere of camaraderie and collegiality with each other and with their tutors. Beyond the academic experiences offered at our medical school, we encourage the development of our students as caring physicians dedicated to providing the very best care, professionally and personally, to all patients.
Academic & Administrative Units
To enrich the culture of research work and provide an attractive environment to support creativity of researchers and promote the ethical conduct of research, compliance, innovation and critical thinking
General Responsibilities:
- Regulate the scientific research affairs at Faculty of Medicine
- Holding scientific activities, symposiums, seminars, workshops and providing a culture of continuous learning for all the faculty of medicine students and staff
- Bridge building between basic sciences and medicine (i.e. attracting and training physicians in research)
- Improve access to key research information
- Administer graduation project course in coordination with Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs
- Provide support and supervision for the Medical Student Research Club
Research Laboratories
- Al-Quds Nutrition and Health Research Institute: Research teams are interested in molecular diagnosis and genotyping infectious diseases such as Leishmaniasis, tuberculosis, and tick-born pathogens. Students are actively participating in real research projects yielding results that will be submitted to international publications.
- Biochemisrty and Molecular Biology Research Labratory: Students utilize genetic, molecular, and biochemical approaches to study metabolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus.
Academic and Administrative Staff
Coming Soon
The Students Affairs and Assessment Unit is part of the Faculty of Medicine Deanship. The unit is responsible for the coordination and management of the assessment and examinations requirements and following students’ issues accordance with the faculty’s requirements and following-up in accordance with The Dean and his assistants.
- The unit administers examinations for all courses offered by the faculty in accordance with the faculty’s requirements and following examination timetables prepared by dean assistants.
- The unit sets up and administers the invigilation and examinations halls or computer labs; seeks to ensure complete accuracy in the preparation of examinations.
- Administration of student assessment in order to follow faculty regulations and instructions regarding
- Association of Methods of assessment with intended learning outcomes and competencies courses and programme
- Using of different assessment methods (formative and summative assessments)
- The unit administers students’ affairs considering:
- Consultations
- Considerations of students’ private issues and special needs
- Exam’s re-correction
- Incomplete and Reset exams
- Arrangements and administration of students’ activitie
- Monitors students’ academic progress and makes final decisions with respect to promotion and graduation
- Ensures that the procedures related to formative and summative assessments of performance, used to record, transmit and present to students for their review all adhere to standard practices
Related Committees:
- Examinations & Assessment Committee
- Students Affairs & Academic Mentoring
Academic and Administrative Staff:
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Continuous upgrading of the educational process at Faculty of Medicine and Enhancing the quality of the academic staff through continuing professional developmental activities.
General Responsibilities:
- It is involved in all aspects of the education process and evaluation of programme including Curriculum development and reform, preparing syllabi with specific learning objectives and student guides.
- Proposing new educational methods to advance the educational process in order to integrate biomedical and clinical (Evidence-based Medicine and Problem based learning)
- Involvement in evaluation of education programs and continuous quality improvement
- Oversees the development and revision of learning objectives and courses outline.
- Determine overall goals (including service, education, research, and administration) of the faculty of Medicine undergraduate program, in keeping with accreditation standards and Medical Education (curriculum goals and objectives).
- Oversees the delivery of the curriculum including instructional methods, academic schedule, appointment of course directors and theme leaders.
- Considers new developments in medical education theory and practices, reviews proposals for innovations, and approves pilot projects and modifications to the curriculum.
- MEU will participate in upgrading the capabilities of the academic staff members to suit their educational, research, and service responsibilities
- Make them qualified enough to help the faculty achieve its mission.
- Establish workshops for development of academic staff.
- Programme Monitoring and Quality Assurance
- Evaluates the program, by ensuring that student feedback on learning activities, teachers and the learning environment is solicited and analyzed, via internal and national surveys (such as the Graduation Questionnaire)
- Monitors the quality of learning and assessment activities across clinical sites to ensure that there is comparability of experiences.
- Ensures that academic staff teachers are oriented, prepared, equipped and evaluated in their teaching and provided with feedback on their performance.
- Ensures that students have access to academic and career advising and monitors the level of satisfaction with these services
Related Committees
- Curriculum Committee and Academic Development
- Programme Evaluation and Quality Assurance
- Continuous Medical Education Committee
Academic and Administrative Staff
Coming Soon
Our mission is to manage the clinical stage at Al-Quds University Faculty of Medicine (4th, 5th and 6th years), which is a continuation of the basic medical sciences stage (1st, 2nd and 3rd years). It is based on the practical appliance of medical clinical skills and solidification of the main concepts and principles of medical knowledge. Clinical Training Unitduties are planning, management, regulation, surveillance and follow up of all aspects of clinical medical training of students in hospitals. Clinical training Unit aims to equip the national hospitals with medically qualified competencies necessary for the development of medical sector in Palestine.
General Responsibilities
- Organization of medical courses over the three clinical years in an appropriate way that ensures the buildup of medical clinical skills in a cumulative manner.
- Regulation of students’ attendance and their distribution in the affiliated hospitals with Al-Quds University.
- Preparation of necessary medical permits and authorizations for entry to hospitals.
- Observation of students’ attendance in hospitals and follow up the progress of educational process
- Coordination of comprehensive written, practical and oral clinical exams.
- Coordination of scientific day in which students’ graduation projects and seminars are presented and discussed by specialists in different specialties.
- Coordination and communication with international universities and hospitals to help students carry out external rotations as a part of their elective program.
- Management and regulation of graduation process of students after completing all the requirements of the clinical stage successfully.
Affiliated Hospitals
1. Governmental Hospitals / Centers
- Palestine Medical Complex
- Beit-Jala Hospital
- Dr Kamal Mental Health Hospital
- Hebron Hospital
- Jericho Hospital
- Primary Health Care Centers
2. Non-Governmental Organization Hospitals / Clinics
- Al-Makassed Charitable Hospital
- Augusta Victoria Hospital
- Saint Joseph Hospital
- Palestine Red Crescent Society Hospital, Jerusalem
- Palestine Red Crescent Society Hospital, Hebron
- Istishari Arab Hospital
- Caritas Baby Hospital
- Arab Society for Rehabilitation
- Al-Ahli Hospital
- Al-Mizan Specialist Hospital
Private Clinics:
- Ophthalmology
- Dermatology
- Medical Imaging
Academic & Administrative Staff
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Staff Members

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Email: jqumsieh@staff.alquds.edu

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Assistant Professor of Microbiology
Since the 1st of September 2008, I have been appointed as Assistant Professor of Microbiology at the Faculty of Medicine, Al-Quds University, Jerusalem, Palestine. Educated at Al-Quds Medical School (MD) in 2001 and got PhD from University of Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris VI) in 2008
Research interests :
- Evaluation of early and late bactericidal activity of new antitubrculosis drugs.
- Evaluation of sterilizing activity of new antitubrculosis drugs.
- Evaluation of sterilizing activity of multidrug resistant regimen recommended by World Health Organization.
- Evaluation of bactericidal and sterilizing Activities of new drug combinations against Mycobacterium ulcerans in Mice.
Publications :
- Ibrahim. M, K. Andries, N. Lounis, A. Chauffour, C. Truffot-Pernot, V. Jarlier, and N. Veziris. 2007. Synergistic activity of R207910 combined with pyrazinamide against murine tuberculosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 51:1011-5.
- Nicolas Veziris, Murad Ibrahim, Nacer Lounis, Aurelie Chauffour, Chantal Truffot-Pernot, Koen Andries, and Vincent Jarlier . A Once-weekly R207910-containing Regimen Exceeds Activity of the Standard Daily Regimen in Murine Tuberculosis. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2009 Jan 1;179(1):75-9.
- mURAD ibrahim, CHANTAL Truffot-Pernot, KOEN ANDRIES, VINCENT Jarlier and nicolas veziris. Sterilizing activity of R207910 containing regimens in the murine model of tuberculosis. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2009 Sep 15;180(6):553-7. Epub 2009 Jul 9.
- Baohong Ji, Aurelie Chauffour, Jerome Robert, Murad Ibrahim, Vincent Jarlier, Impact of Dosin Frequency of the combination Rifampin-Streptomycin on its Bactericidal and Sterilizing Activities against Mycobacterium ulcerans in Mice. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2009 Jul;53(7):2955-9. Epub 2009 Apr 13.
- Nicolas Veziris Murad Ibrahim, Nacer Lounis, Chantal Truffot-Pernot, Koen Andries and Vincent Jarlier. R207910 is very active when administered once-a-week in murine tuberculosis. (Abstract) 45th Interscience Conference Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy ICAAC 2005 American Society of
- Murad Ibrahim, Chantal Truffot-Pernot, Koen Andries, Vincent Jarlier and Nicolas Veziris. Early and late bactericidal activity of R207910 (TMC207) in murine tuberculosis. (Abstract) 48th Interscience Conference Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy ICAAC 2008 American Society of Microbiology (ASM), Washington, DC USA.

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Assistant Professor of Microbiology
Since the 1st of September 2008, I have been appointed as Assistant Professor of Microbiology at the Faculty of Medicine, Al-Quds University, Jerusalem, Palestine. Educated at Al-Quds Medical School (MD) in 2001 and got PhD from University of Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris VI) in 2008
Research interests :
- Evaluation of early and late bactericidal activity of new antitubrculosis drugs.
- Evaluation of sterilizing activity of new antitubrculosis drugs.
- Evaluation of sterilizing activity of multidrug resistant regimen recommended by World Health Organization.
- Evaluation of bactericidal and sterilizing Activities of new drug combinations against Mycobacterium ulcerans in Mice.
Publications :
- Ibrahim. M, K. Andries, N. Lounis, A. Chauffour, C. Truffot-Pernot, V. Jarlier, and N. Veziris. 2007. Synergistic activity of R207910 combined with pyrazinamide against murine tuberculosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 51:1011-5.
- Nicolas Veziris, Murad Ibrahim, Nacer Lounis, Aurelie Chauffour, Chantal Truffot-Pernot, Koen Andries, and Vincent Jarlier . A Once-weekly R207910-containing Regimen Exceeds Activity of the Standard Daily Regimen in Murine Tuberculosis. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2009 Jan 1;179(1):75-9.
- mURAD ibrahim, CHANTAL Truffot-Pernot, KOEN ANDRIES, VINCENT Jarlier and nicolas veziris. Sterilizing activity of R207910 containing regimens in the murine model of tuberculosis. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2009 Sep 15;180(6):553-7. Epub 2009 Jul 9.
- Baohong Ji, Aurelie Chauffour, Jerome Robert, Murad Ibrahim, Vincent Jarlier, Impact of Dosin Frequency of the combination Rifampin-Streptomycin on its Bactericidal and Sterilizing Activities against Mycobacterium ulcerans in Mice. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2009 Jul;53(7):2955-9. Epub 2009 Apr 13.
- Nicolas Veziris Murad Ibrahim, Nacer Lounis, Chantal Truffot-Pernot, Koen Andries and Vincent Jarlier. R207910 is very active when administered once-a-week in murine tuberculosis. (Abstract) 45th Interscience Conference Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy ICAAC 2005 American Society of
- Murad Ibrahim, Chantal Truffot-Pernot, Koen Andries, Vincent Jarlier and Nicolas Veziris. Early and late bactericidal activity of R207910 (TMC207) in murine tuberculosis. (Abstract) 48th Interscience Conference Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy ICAAC 2008 American Society of Microbiology (ASM), Washington, DC USA.

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Department of Microbiology and Immunology

Assistant Professor of Microbiology
Since the 1st of September 2008, I have been appointed as Assistant Professor of Microbiology at the Faculty of Medicine, Al-Quds University, Jerusalem, Palestine. Educated at Al-Quds Medical School (MD) in 2001 and got PhD from University of Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris VI) in 2008
Research interests :
- Evaluation of early and late bactericidal activity of new antitubrculosis drugs.
- Evaluation of sterilizing activity of new antitubrculosis drugs.
- Evaluation of sterilizing activity of multidrug resistant regimen recommended by World Health Organization.
- Evaluation of bactericidal and sterilizing Activities of new drug combinations against Mycobacterium ulcerans in Mice.
Publications :
- Ibrahim. M, K. Andries, N. Lounis, A. Chauffour, C. Truffot-Pernot, V. Jarlier, and N. Veziris. 2007. Synergistic activity of R207910 combined with pyrazinamide against murine tuberculosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 51:1011-5.
- Nicolas Veziris, Murad Ibrahim, Nacer Lounis, Aurelie Chauffour, Chantal Truffot-Pernot, Koen Andries, and Vincent Jarlier . A Once-weekly R207910-containing Regimen Exceeds Activity of the Standard Daily Regimen in Murine Tuberculosis. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2009 Jan 1;179(1):75-9.
- mURAD ibrahim, CHANTAL Truffot-Pernot, KOEN ANDRIES, VINCENT Jarlier and nicolas veziris. Sterilizing activity of R207910 containing regimens in the murine model of tuberculosis. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2009 Sep 15;180(6):553-7. Epub 2009 Jul 9.
- Baohong Ji, Aurelie Chauffour, Jerome Robert, Murad Ibrahim, Vincent Jarlier, Impact of Dosin Frequency of the combination Rifampin-Streptomycin on its Bactericidal and Sterilizing Activities against Mycobacterium ulcerans in Mice. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2009 Jul;53(7):2955-9. Epub 2009 Apr 13.
- Nicolas Veziris Murad Ibrahim, Nacer Lounis, Chantal Truffot-Pernot, Koen Andries and Vincent Jarlier. R207910 is very active when administered once-a-week in murine tuberculosis. (Abstract) 45th Interscience Conference Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy ICAAC 2005 American Society of
- Murad Ibrahim, Chantal Truffot-Pernot, Koen Andries, Vincent Jarlier and Nicolas Veziris. Early and late bactericidal activity of R207910 (TMC207) in murine tuberculosis. (Abstract) 48th Interscience Conference Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy ICAAC 2008 American Society of Microbiology (ASM), Washington, DC USA.

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

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Department of Physiology and Pharmacology

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Department of Pathology and Histology

About :
Assistant Professor of Pathology
Is the chairman of the Pathology/Histology Department at Al-Quds University Medical School. Educated at Al-Quds Medical School (MD) in 2002 and got his PhD from the University of Paris 6 in 2008. Got the Palestinian board in pathology in 2009.
Research interests :
Studying the plasticity of monocytes/macrophages and monocyte-derived cells in situ on histological slides.
Phenotypic analysis of these cells in human lymph nodes and bone marrow biopsy specimens.
Lectures / class :
Pathology I for medical, dental and pharmacy students
Pathology II for medical students
Pathology I and II Labs
Histology I for medical and dental students
Histology II for medical students
Histology II Labs
Publications :
- Marwan Qubaja, Josée Audouin, Jean Claude Moulin, Thierry Jo Molina, Agnès Le Tourneau, Philippe Gaulard, Pierre Straub, Bruno Audhuy, Jacques Diebold. ” Nodal follicular helper T cell lymphoma may present with different patterns”. Human Pathology 2009;40:264-9.
- Dawidowicz K, Ea HK, Lahalle S, Qubaja M, Lioté F. “Unexplained polyarthralgia and celiac disease”. Joint Bone Spine. 2007;75:325-328
- Dray X, Medeau V, Qubaja M, Lavergne-Slove A, Guillausseau PJ, Marteau P. “Colonic colonisation with Giardia lamblia in a patient receiving fibrates”. Gut. 2007;56:1639-40.
- Mohib Morcos, Fan Zhang, Marwan Qubaja, Marie-Christine Charpentier, Jacques Diebold, Sophie Camilleri-Broët, Jean-François Regnard, Josée Audouin and Thierry Molina. Apport Du Dossier Numérisé Dans La Prise En Charge Macroscopique Et Histologique D’Une Pièce Opératoire D’Exérèse De Carcinome Bronchopulmonaire. Revue Francophone Des Laboratoires 2005; N°377:35-40.
- Marie-Christine Charpentier, Marwan Qubaja, “Agnès Le Tourneau, Jacques Diebold, Josée Audouin, Thierry Molina.Critères diagnostiques et facteurs pronostiques des carcinomes neuroendocrines à grandes cellules broncho-pulmonaires”.Revue Francophone Des Laboratoires 2008; N°398:59-63.
Department of Anatomy and Embryology

Department of Social and behavioral Sciences

Dr. Khalid Salah is assistant professor of applied statistics at the Faculty of Science. He joined the faculty
in 2002. He worked for more than ten years as a teacher of mathematics and computer science at YMCA
schools. Dr. Khalid headed the university’s Statistical and study unit from 2010 to 2016. He worked on
many statistical issues, most notably university statistics, organizing the statistical process between the
university and the Palestinian Ministry of Higher Education and the Palestinian Central Bureau of
Statistics. Dr. Khalid is currently working on the development of teaching statistics and biostatistics at the
university to keep pace with the scientific and technological progress in the world. He also contributed to
the development of many courses of statistics and biostatistics at the bachelor and master level, which he
teaches some of these courses.
Dr. Khalid is currently working in cooperation with the Department of Mathematics and the Deanship of
the Faculty of Science, and with a direct assignment from the university president, to establish the
“Jerusalem Center for Statistics”, which in turn will contribute and assist in most of the statistical work of
the university, staff, as well as students, especially graduate students.
It is worth mentioning that Dr. Khalid has been chosen as a referee for many international scientific
journal because of his research achievements in the fields of Applied Statistics, Biostatistics, and Applied
Mathematics including:
- An Approximation of A longitudinal Stochastic Model, International Journal of Clinical
Biostatistics and Biometrics, 5(1), (2019), ISSN: 2469-5831. - On Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Mixed Cure Fraction Model Assuming Stable Distribution,
International Journal of Tomography and Simulation, 34(2), (2021), ISSN: 2319-3336. - Error Analysis For The Finite Element Approximation of Conductive-Radiative Model, European
Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 11, No 2 November, 2005, 236-245 - A Semiparametric Joint Model for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Univariate Data in Presence of
Cure Fraction, European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X Vol.18 No.4 (2007),
pp.707-729 © EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2007 - Cure Fraction, Modelling and Estimating in a Population-Based Cancer Survival Analysis,
Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences 2 (1): 113-134 (2008) - Bayesian Approach for Joint Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data with Survival Fraction,
BULLETIN of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (2) 32(1) (2009), 75–100. - A Stochastic Joint Model for Longitudinal and survival Data with Cure Patients, International
Journal of Tomography & Statistics, Winter 2009, Vol. 11, No. W09.; 48-67; ISSN 0972-9976 (
Print ); ISSN 0973-7294 (Online). - An Approximation of A longitudinal Stochastic Model, International Journal of Clinical
Biostatistics and Biometrics (2018), Revising
This was in addition to participating in many scientific conferences inside and outside the country.
The most recent was the scientific conference on mathematics and applied statistics, which was held at Birzeit
University, Ramallah, From 27-30 August 2018.
Dr. Khalid holds a PhD in applied statistics, which he received in 2007 from Putra University in
Malaysia, an MA in Applied Mathematics (2002) from Al Quds University, and a Bachelor’s Degree
(1989) from College of Science and Technology / Abu Dies.

Dr. Maha Nubani Husseini is an assistant professor of Public Health/ Health Promotion at the faculty of Public Health. She joined the faculty in 2002.
Dr. Maha Nubani Husseini is a Faculty member at the department of Public Health Nutrition and the head of the Quality Assurance Committee and the Scientific Research Committee of the School of Public Health
Dr. Nubani Husseini has a number of research papers, including:
Nubani-Husseini M, Berry E, Abdeen Z, Donchin M. Dietary patterns and physical activity among Palestinian female schoolchildren in East Jerusalem. SEEJPH 2016,
Nubani-Husseini M, Donchin M . School-based intervention to promote healthy nutrition and physical activity in Palestinian girls – Process evaluation. SEEJPH 2020,
Dr. Nubani Husseini received her Ph.D. in Public Health/ Health Promotion in 2016 from Braun School of Public Health/ Hebrew University, Master degree In Public Health from Al-Quds University in 2004, and Bachelor degree in Nursing from Arab Colleges of Medical Professions in 1984.

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* Colleagues from other faculties