Faculty of law
The Faculty of Law at Al-Quds University ranks near the top of all collages and universities in Palestine. The Bachelor of Laws (LLB) is a four-year (eight-semester) degree for a full-time student.

Dr. Issa Manasrah
Dean of the Faculty of Law
Here at the faculty of Law we are determined of producing students of the highest and finest caliber. Through our vast links with professionals work field, we give our students unique opportunities to guide them onto a career pathway best suited to them.
Here at the faculty of Law we are determined of producing students of the highest and finest caliber. Through our vast links with professionals work field, we give our students unique opportunities to guide them onto a career pathway best suited to them. We look forward to welcoming a young generation of future Law students, those that will go on to shape a great future in their Legal vocations.
Dr. Issa Manasrah
Dean of the Faculty of Law
Faculty of Law
The Faculty of Law at Al-Quds University was established in 1992. It provides first-class education for lawyers-to-be at both basic and advanced level. Basic democratic values like equal treatment, non-discrimination and gender must permeate the whole curricula, programs, and all activities within the facility of Law. The faculty’s lecturers and researchers collaborate to a high degree with the community. The faculty adopts a participatory role, as lecturers work with their students to plan the training sessions and jointly prepare the instruction.
the Faculty of Law offers a number of introductory subjects to ensure that Law students receive a concrete grounding in the basic principles of law. The students are also entered the practice from the Faculty of Law in order to demonstrate applications of the law, as well as optional subjects in fields not directly related to law, such as public administration, criminology, business, Linguistics, and economics. The majority of our undergraduate bachelor of Law degree lasts for four years. This is not always the case, as some students may complete their courses in three years and a half.
The Faculty of Law has developed a large collection of links with partner institutions and key stakeholders at the local, regional, and global level. Such relationships provide our Facility with great opportunities to develop research projects, exchange of students and staff with other leading institutions, and collaborate in a variety of ways. The research conducted at the Faculty of Law is consistently superior and covers most of the various areas of legal science, including the fields of public and private laws, offering a great opportunity to contribute to nation and state building in Palestine.
Offered Programs
Academic Staff

Research Publications:
The Standard of Military Judiciary Competence in Military Affairs, International Journal of Legal and Political Research, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2021
– Penal Protection of the Palestinian Material Heritage, Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, Algeria, Volume 5, Number 3, 2020
– A book entitled Political Systems and Constitutional Law, Constitutional Experiences, Preceding and Subsequent to the Palestinian National Independence Document, second edition, Jerusalem, 2013
– Human Rights and International Human Law, Publication of the Foundation (The Law), Jerusalem 2000
– Many research publications in Russian language
Committee membership:
– Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Law / Al-Quds University 2011/2014, 2019/2021.
– Member of the Palestinian Constitution Drafting Committee.
Coordinator and member of the committee to amend the system and instructions for graduate studies, Al-Quds University, 2006/2008, 2015/2018.
– Head of the Public Law Department at the Faculty of Law / Al-Quds University 2008/2010.
– Member of the Disciplinary Committee of the West Asian Football Federation 2018.

– PHD in General Law from Cairo
– Master in General Law, Jerusalem University, (2008-2009)
– B.A. in Law,Jerusalem University, (2001-2005)
– Authorized Palestinian International Arbitration Chamber Arbitrator
– Arbitration consultant, Geneva for International Arbitration
Work Experience
– Professor in General Law, Al-Quds University
– Member of the Palestinian National Council
– Member of the Al-Quds Committee in the Palestinian National Council
– Secretary and member of General secretariat in PGFTU
– Member of the Board of Directors of the Cooperative Work Authority in Palestine
– Head of General Union of Public Health services in Palestine
– Representative of the PGFTU at the Administrative Board, Cooperation Work Agency, Palestine
– Supervisor of Masters thesis in Administrative Law in Palestinian Universities.
– Lecturerat Alquds Open University (2010-2012)
– Head of Administrative Board, Act institution for Conflict Resolution.
– Legal advisor to several institutions in Jerusalem
– 2014, Cairo, modern methods for resolving legal conflicts, Legal Research and Consulting center
– 2012, Cairo, concluding administrative and international contracts, Legal Research and Consulting Center
– 2012, Cairo, preparing graduates to work for judicial authorities,Legal Research and Consulting Center
– 2012, Cairo, the refugee status in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention 1951, Human Rights Studies Center, Faculty of Law, Cairo University
– 2010, Jordan Medical errors and the competent courts
– 2009, Cairo, insurance issues between the judiciary and arbitration, International Center for Administrative and Financial Consulting
– 2009, Cairo, Developing leadership skills, self-management and managing others
– 2007, Singapore, Leadership and Management
– Tunis, Criminal Justice and the Art of Advocacy
– Participation in many trade union trainings in Palestine and abroad
Published books and research
-Means of settling administrative contract disputes
– Mediator in Administrative Law in Palestine_part one
– The mediator in administrative law in Palestine, part two
– An elaborate research entitled Judicial Oversight of Local Authorities Elections in Palestine
– An arbitrated research entitled Arbitration as a tool for settling disputes in administrative contracts
- Arabic Native Language
English Good (Speaking, Reading and Writing)
Hebrew Good (Speaking, Reading and Writing)

Dr. Saif is an assistant professor at Al-Quds University, Abu-Dis, Palestine. Previously he served as an adjunct Professor at Georgetown University Law Center, Washington D.C., USA. Dr. Saif received his doctorate degree with distinction from Georgetown University (2013). He graduated with a Bachelor's degree in law (LL.B) from Tel Aviv University, Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv, Israel (1996), and earned his Master's degree in international and human rights from the American University, Washington College of Law, Washington D.C., USA (2004).
Dr. Saif specializes in comparative and international law, in addition to constitutional and administrative law. He previously was on the board of the faculty of law in the Human rights clinic at Tel-Aviv University (2000-2005), and from there he went on to being a member of the board of the law faculty, in the Legal clinic for Arab minority rights in Haifa University (2007-2009). Additionally, he served as a guest professor in multiple universities both domestically and abroad.

2012- Assistant Professor in law at Alquds University, Jerusalem; Teaching: (LLB & LLM) Islamic Criminal law, Property law, Company law, Legal Methods, Private International Law & Public International Law; Human Rights Law.
2015- External (PhD students) Supervisor at Anglia Ruskin University (UK).
Selected Publications:
Suleiman Haitam & Home Robert, (2009) ‘God is an Absentee, Too’: the Treatment of Waqf (Islamic Trust) Land in Israel/Palestine, Journal of Legal Pluralism (JLP), 59: 49-65.
Suleiman, Haitam (2015). Conflict over Waqf property in Jerusalem: Disputed jurisdictions between civil and Shari’a courts. Electronic Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law (EJIMEL), 3(18): 97-110.
Suleiman, Haitam (2016). The Islamic trust waqf: a stagnant or reviving legal institution? Electronic Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law (EJIMEL), 4(23):27-43.
النزاع القانوني على ممتلكات الوقف في القدس: الولاية القضائية بين المحاكم المدنية والشرعية, مؤتمر “القدس تحديات الواقع وإمكانات المواجهة”, عمان 2019 ,.
Suleiman Haitam (2022), Legal Orientalism & Post- Colonial Legal Pluralism, Edinburgh University Press, (under preparation).
Suleiman Haitam (2022) Hermeneutic Approaches & Theories of Interpretation in Islamic Law,
Cambridge University Press, (under preparation).
Disputed jurisdictions between Israeli and Shari’a Courts, Southampton University, UK, 2016.
“Legal pluralism and land rights in Palestine”, Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA, May 28th – 31st (2015).
‘Conflict over Waqf property in Jerusalem: Disputed jurisdictions between civil and Shari’a courts’. Conference on Contested Property Claims Aarhus University, Denmark, 10-11 December 2015.
“Post-Colonial Legal Pluralism in Palestine”, Alquds University, Palestine, (2017).
Legal pluralism and land rights in Jerusalem: Cork University, Ireland, 2016.

Jihad Al-Kiswaniis an associate professor with a master’s in criminal sciences, and a doctorate in private law and criminal sciences. He has been working in the field of teaching since the year 1997, and has worked at Al-Quds University since 2006, and he is a lawyer in front of the Palestinian courts. He is an expert in security legislation, a legal advisor, and he has held the position of dean of student affairs, head of the private law department, coordinator of high studies, chairperson and member of dozens of central and sub university committees, president and member of many research and specialized centers and charities. He participated in dozens of scientific conferences, forums and symposiums at the national and international levels, as well as supervising / discussing dozens of master’s theses, developing many courses in private and penal law, and mastering the French language and the English language in addition to the native Arabic language.
Dr. Jihad Al-Kiswani has published a number of books, including a review of the Law of Service in the Security Forces 2010, the Presumption of Innocence 2013, the Legal Methodology 2016, the Manual of the Unified Operational Procedures for Legal Units in the Security Institution 2016, and the Criminal Procedures in Legislation, Jurisprudence and Jurisprudence 2019, and he has many researches and legal studies.

Coming soon . . .

Employee at Al-Quds University
Students Affairs
Assistant of student affairs director.
[2003]–[present ]
Academic Affairs
Lecturer at Al-Quds University,Faculty of Law.
Teaching courses
-Family law1
–Family law 2)Inheritances(
-Criminal legislation
-Governing system in Islam a
Al-Quds University, Jerusalem
• BA from Al-Quds University, Adda’wa College, 1994, GPA: 80.3.
• -MA from Al-Quds University.
Member of parents committee, Rashid School ember of “Higher Education Society”, Halhul.
Member of student excuses committee in Al- Quds University Abu Dis, Faculty of Law
Member of final exams committee
Ex-chief of “Sanabel society for disabled” 2004-2006, still a member
Chief of Parents committee, Isra’ School

Munir Nuseibah is a human rights lawyer and academic based in Al-Quds University in Jerusalem, Palestine. He is an assistant professor at Al-Quds University’s faculty of law; the director (and co-founder) of Al-Quds Human Rights Clinic, the first accredited clinical legal education program in the Arab World; and the director of the Community Action Center in Jerusalem. He holds a B.A. degree in Law from Al-Quds University; an LL.M in International Legal Studies from the Washington College of Law of the American University in Washington DC and a PhD degree from the University of Westminster in London, UK, which he acquired after successfully defending his thesis entitled: Forced Displacement in the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict, International Law, and Transitional Justice.
Dr. Nuseibah heads a number of research and services projects that focus on forced displacement, international law and Jerusalem.

Ph.D. candidates ,ALHassan second university .Morocco2018
Master degree – private law, Al-Quds university 2011
Lecturer of private law( civil law) from 2012
Member of Palestinian Bar association 2005

Born in 1989 in Palestine, have a PhD in public law in 2017, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law / Al-Quds University since 2013, Chair of the Community Relations Committee at the Faculty of Law, member of the Committee for Recruiting Financial Support in the Faculty of Law, and a member of the International Academic Initiative Anti-Corruption (ACAD) with the Center for the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption in the State of Qatar, a practicing lawyer at the Palestinian Regular Bar Association, a feminist activist, and an expert in the directory of Palestinian women experts with regard to women’s and children’s rights and the law.
She has many published articles, worked as a part-time professor at the AL-Ahliyya University of Palestine, represented Palestine in the Arab Women Organization, owner of the Palestinian Awareness Foundation for Human Rights, and participated in many conferences inside and outside the country, and a member of (Erasmus plus) within the legal team. Member of Municipal council in Rawabi.

Educational attainment
PhD in Commercial Law, League of Arab States, Research Institute, Arab Republic of Egypt 2006
MA in Commercial Law Birzeit University, Ramallah 2003
BA in Law, Al-Isra University, Amman, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, 1999
Practical experience
Lawyer practicing Sharia and regular courts 2006 until now 2021
Assistant Professor of Law, Al-Quds University, Palestine
Coordinator of the Graduate Studies Program, Al-Quds University, Palestine from 2009 to 2013
Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Law, Al-Quds University, Palestine 2015-2017
Head of the Private Law Department, Al-Quds University, Palestine 2017-2018
Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Law, Al-Quds University, Palestine from 2018 to 2021
Training courses
Training in many training courses for judges, lawyers and legal specialists
Research Publications
Explanation of the Palestinian Evidence Law No. 12 of 2011 2010
Documentary Credit Documents and their Conformity Standards 2006
Memberships and Activities
• Member of the Advisory Council for the Governorate of Jericho and the Jordan Valley
• Member of the Council of the Faculty of Law / Al-Quds University
• Member of the Academic Council, Al-Quds University