Faculty of Da'wa & Religion
The Faculty of Da'wa & Religion in Al-Quds University has been established for more than thirty years.

Dr. Erwa Sabri
Dean of the Faculty of Da'wa & Religion
The Faculty of Da’wa and Religion is a unique higher education opportunity at Al Quds University. The focus of the institute is on Islamic education and knowledge. We aim to take our students on a journey through this beautiful religion and provide our students with the essential tools to become the future leaders, scholars and teachers in Islam
Dean of the Faculty of Da’wa & Religion
Faculty of Da’wa & Religion
The Faculty of Da’wa & Religion in Al-Quds University has been established for more than thirty years. It is proud of building a blessed generation who are delighted with the religion and civilization in Islam. The current generation has a unique Islamic character that combines authentic traditions along with modern values. Thus we are keen in producing graduates who are capable of performing many roles in community service in the Arab and Muslim world.
The main feature of our faculty is to expand its permanent role and to ensure that it keeps up to date with contemporary advancements. Generally, the roles are to deepen the Islamic creed of our students and increase the spiritual and moral values in their lives, establishing scientific researches and applying them in the various sciences of Shari `a. We focus on preparing sincere and creative advocates who are capable of spreading the religion of Islam according to systematic and well-founded aspects. We place a great emphasis on them contributing to the problems that face our community and more importantly solving such issue.
Furthermore, our Faculty is working on producing future generations of legal judges that are familiar with our culture and who interact positively with our Islamic nation.
Our faculty will also supply the mosques with our future Khutaba’ and Imams who will work towards helping and guiding people, not only for their own well-being but also that they strive towards good.
Moreover, we aim to connect our college with the local community by participating in various activities that fall within the specializations and specifications of Islamic Studies.