Doctor of Medicine (MD)

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Doctor of Medicine (MD)

The six-year Al-Quds University Faculty of Medicine (AQUFM) Programme consists of two phases, each three years. Phase one, the BMS phase, is divided into two parts: 1.5 years of general sciences and introductory biomedical sciences courses, and 1.5 years of the systems-based approach. Phase two, the Clinical Medical Sciences (CMS) phase, consists of three years of different clinical clerkships. The minimum number of required educational credit hours is 253. Credit hour in the Basic Medical Sciences (BMS) is equal to 15 face-to-face class hours and 30 hours of lab work, and for CMS is equal to a one-week clinical rotationThese hours should be distributed over six years as follows:

1. University requirements: 24 credit hours

  1. Required courses: 18 credit hours
  2. Elective courses: 6 credit hours

Faculty Requirements: 229 Credit hours

  1. Requirements in Basic Sciences: 28 credit hours
  2. Requirements in Basic Medical Sciences: 73 credit hours
  3. Requirements in Clinical Medical Sciences: 128 credit hours

The BMS curriculum uses a system-based approach/horizontal integration between different disciplines including anatomy, histology, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, microbiology, pharmacology, and immunology.

The clinical medical sciences (CMS) phase of the curriculum extends for three academic years after successful completion of the BMS phase and is based on clinical clerkships in affiliated hospitals. During the first and second year of CMS, students rotate among the major disciplines (general surgery, internal medicine, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, psychiatry and behavioural disorders) as junior courses. And during the third year of CMS (Sixth year of MD programme), students revisit the previous disciplines for 6-8 weeks (excluding psychiatry) as senior courses.

Al-Quds University