الهيئة الاكاديمية والموظفين

نشر بحث للـ د.عبد الحكيم عيده من دائرة الرياضيات

عدد المشاهدات: 124

Informative Sampling on Two Occasions:

Estimation and Prediction

Abstract of Published work: The sample distribution is defined as the distribution of the sample measurements given the selected sample. Under informative sampling, this distribution may be different from the corresponding population distribution. Sampling on two occasions under informative sampling design, utilizing the sample and sample-complement distributions for occasion one, the matched sample and unmatched sample distributions, and matched sample-complement and unmatched sample-complement for occasion two, is proposed for predicting finite population total of a variable under study for the current (second) occasion, viewing information collected on the first (previous) occasion as auxiliary information. An interesting result of the present analysis is that known predictors in common use are shown to be special cases of the present predictors obtained under informative sampling, thus providing them a new justification.

Key words: Matched distribution, sample-complement distribution, unmatched distribution.

Name of Journal or Book: Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research

Year: 2011

Journal volume: Vol 7. No. 2, July 2011, pp 283-303

Publisher's name and address: http://www.pjsor.com/index.php/pjsor

Contact info of the contact author: msabdul@science.alquds.edu

شارك المقال عبر:

يا معشر النظم العربية شعوبكم لا تريد اكثر من الحرية ، مقال للدكتور حمزة ذيب
Dr. Mutasem Adileh became an editorial member of the International Journal of Literature and Art Studies

آخر الأخبار

ربما يعجبك أيضا

Al-Quds University