الهيئة الاكاديمية والموظفين

Publishing a new book for Dr. Ibrahim Awad

عدد المشاهدات: 192



Dr. Ibrahim Awad has recently published his new book titled by “Economic Incentives for Improved and Sustainable Water Management in the West Bank: Economic Efficiency, Equity and Water Pricing”.

Product Description:

Water and life are closely linked. This has been known throughout history and it is still the issue with specialists today. Water has always been scarce in Palestine, but growing populations place ever-increasing demands on the limited resources of water. Competing demands for water may lead to disputes between consumers and nations. Moreover, water scarcity can be classified as a major concern in the Palestinian territories where access to and control over water resources is a constant issue in human survival. The shortage of water affects the Palestinians' public health and economy at large. The shortage of drinking water can lead to illness, and affect every function that water plays in human survival and livelihood. However, empirical studies that can contribute in providing information on economic efficiency, equity of water distribution, and water management are necessary in Palestine, which may play an important role to mitigate the water crisis in the Palestinian territories.

Dr Ibrahim Awad is currently Assistant Professor of Economics/Econometrics at Al-Quds University. Dr. Awad earned his Ph.D. in Economics and Econometrics from University of Leipzig, Germany in 2010.


Dr. Ibrahim Awad 


شارك المقال عبر:

حصول د. عماد أبو كشك على الدكتوراة
كلية الحقوق في جامعة القدس تشارك في فعاليات المؤتمر الثامن للجمعية العلمية لكليات الحقوق العربية

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ربما يعجبك أيضا

Al-Quds University