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Congratulations and Workshop Announcement for Teachers Advancing in the National Math Teaching Aids Production Competition at Al-Quds University

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Al-Quds University and the Palestinian Ministry of Education extend their warmest congratulations to the teachers who have successfully passed the first stage of the National Math Teaching Aids Production Competition, organized by the university under the supervision of the Math Museum.

The university announces a workshop for the qualified teachers, scheduled for Saturday, January 15, 2022, at 10:00 AM on the main campus in Abu Dis. The purpose of this workshop is to support teachers in developing and finalizing their projects for the final exhibition, which will be held at Al-Quds University in March 2022.

In the first stage of the competition, over 800 applications were submitted from across Palestine for math teaching aid production, and 34 teams have advanced to the next round.

The Math Museum at Al-Quds University launched the national math competitions in partnership with the Ministry of Education in October 2021. The competitions aim to foster a spirit of competition and open new horizons for teaching math through innovative and engaging methods, promoting collaboration and creativity among teachers and students in production, cognitive thinking, and design.

To view the list of teams advancing to the implementation phase of the 2022 Math Teaching Aids Production Competition, click here.

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Al-Quds University Inaugurates the 2022 Math Teaching Aids Exhibition and Honors Winners of “Math Teaching Aids Production, Super Pi Palestine, and Poly Up” Competitions

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