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Al-Quds university hosts Dr. Ahamad Al-Tibi.: who presented a lecture entitled : The Palestinian people of occupied territory of 48, the Israeli policy, the Palestinian question/ conflict: Prospects and positions” .

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“The Palestinian people of the 1948, the Israeli policy, the Palestinian question: Prospects and positions “. Was the title of the lecture presented by Dr .Ahmad Al- Tibi, who is the  President of the Arab Movement for Change , former adviser  to the president Yasser Arafat and member of the Israeli parliament  (the Knesset )  for the joint Arab List. The lecture was attended by the president of Al-Quds university Professor Imad Abu kishek,  dean of faculty of Arts , Dr. Moatasem Nasser ,   head of the Political Science department Dr. Amna Badran, and a large  number of the academic staff  students and guests .

The lecture was jointly organized by the Institute of Regional Studies  and  the department of  Political science at Al-Quds University,

The president professor. Imad Abu kishek , welcomed the guest , and  appreciated  his efforts to support the Palestinian case, and his defense of  the Palestinian rights particularly in the occupied territories inside Israel.

From her part, Dr. Badran valued   the importance of  convening  this type of lectures in order  to create some kind of  networking with local institutions  and  activists in the political and academic work in the west Bank , Gaza Strip and the Palestinian territories inside Israel. Then she briefed the audience about the Master program in Israeli studies which is offered by the Institute of Regional Studies at Al-Quds university, adding that the ambition of the institution is to be an institute for global studies in the future.

From his part Dr .Tibi stressed   the importance of scientific research, distinction and the academic innovation in order to promote the educated Palestinian society to be able to confront the occupation.

“Al-Quds University is not just an academic monument, but it’s also a national symbol, that should be constantly supported”. Stated Dr. Tibi . 

In his lecture, several principle were addressed: the permanent fighting of the Palestinians in most  cities and regions in the Palestinian occupied territory of 48, to face the Israeli actions such as:  the confiscation of land and demolition of Arab houses. Then he elaborated on the concept of the state and the Jewish Democracy from the point view of Palestinians and Israelis saying that democracy is only practiced on the Jewish. people however Palestinian Arabs are faced with discrimination ,furthermore  he presented a clarification about the reasons for not giving recognition by the the Palestine liberation organization to the state of Israel as the Israeli  right wing government insisting on the recognition by the Palestinians of a Jewish state ,he said the Palestinians will never accept .

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