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A workshop was organized by Al-Quds human rights clinic to discuss the importance to authenticate the misuse of force used by the occupation army to suppress the peaceful gatherings

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“How to authenticate the misuse of force to suppress peaceful gatherings by the occupation army, "  was the title of the workshop which  was organized by Al -Quds  human rights clinic at Al-Quds university ,  this workshop was convened  in cooperation  of  Amnesty International Organization and "Omega"  Foundation in the presence of the Dean of the faculty of law  Dr.  Moussa Dweik, and a group of  field researchers in  human rights institutions in Palestine , journalists,   jurists, and a number of students from the main campus of the university.

The Coordinator of the Monitoring &Documentation Unit in Al- Quds human rights clinic  Mr. Al -reshiqu , explained that the main goal of this workshop is to  a promote  the capacity of the field researchers, journalists , and human rights defender’s in  monitoring and documenting violations which are used  by the occupation forces against  the peaceful movement in Palestine professionally and legally  at the same time  help to promote the defense of human rights in Palestine,

Dean of  the  faculty of law Dr. Mussa Dweik confirmed  the important role of documentation of  the legal side of prosecution of perpetrators of crime in Palestine.  He explained  the crucial role of the  Palestinian information center in Jerusalem , and its vital role  in  documenting information .  Dr. Dweik   mentioned also the  importance and the necessity  of  this center in Jerusalem in order to  record and document  the sufferings ,and daily violation  the residence  are exposed to in the city.

According to Saleh Hijazi , from the international Amnesty ,  he sees that the importance of this workshop lies in  exchanging knowledge between attendances and the international amnesty  and the other  participant  institutions .

From her part,  Zara Rizvi , who represents  Omiga foundation , announced that  during this workshop  they  will expose  information and records in order to stimulate the debate   to make the processes of  information exchange smoother  to  be able to present a full picture of what the Palestinian people are subjected to  from violation and  harassment of the occupation army.

The workshop focused on the strategies and methods which are adapted by the occupation forces ;such as  arresting  Palestinians and  suppressing peaceful gatherings . This workshop   includes    a series of exercises concerning the allegation used by the occupation forces .

This  workshop  tries  also to help the participants  to gather information concerning any violation   by using modern technological means . 

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