Motasem Hamdan is a professor of health policy and management at the School of Public Health, Al-Quds University, Jerusalem, Palestine. He has bachelor and master degrees in health management from Hacettepe University in Turkey between 1990-1996 and a doctoral degree in Medical and Social Science (Health Policy) from the Catholic University of Leuven (KULeuven) in Belgium in 2003. He joined Al-Quds in 1998 and was among the founding members of the School of Public Health, was a dean of public health between 2012-2019.
Prof. Hamdan is an expert in health policy and health system development and has a profound experience in the Palestinian health care system and international health organizations. He served as senior health policy advisor to the Palestinian Ministry of Health and consultant for many of national and international health organizations. He was the national program officer in the WHO office for Palestine between 2007-2011. Prof. Hamdan is an author of more than 25 peer reviewed articles, member of editorial boards of many internationally refereed journals and serves on a variety of national and international advisory boards.