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New publication for Dr. R.Hamamreh and Mr. Mohammed Jamoos

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Dr. R.Hamamreh and Mr. Mohammed Jamoos recently published a research article in the “IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security” , the paper titled: “Data Integrity Mechanism Using Hashing Verification”

Dr. Hamamreh and Mr. Jamoos said about the article that “in this paper we propose a new One-Way Hash Algorithm, which is also obtains better efficiency and security, compared with a particular conventional hash algorithm, Hash algorithm can be used to determine if two values are equal, a hash function maps keys to small values. DILH algorithm using linear combination of matrices to find non-invertible matrix, that takes advantage about of the compact representation of a set of numbers in a matrix, and fast calculations”.

You can read more about the research article here.

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